AEBI 425 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sugarcane Smut, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil

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26 Jan 2016

Document Summary

Guide to studying for dr. smith"s portion of the course: For the more general section on biofuels and broader areas (ex. Largely related to extreme climate conditions: very wet eastern north america, very dry prairies in canada, floods & droughts in australia, 4 year drought in california, repeated flooding in the uk, east na cool/wet, west hot and dry. Use of food crops as biofuels has contributed. Bioethanol from the cane: ethanol is produced by the action of microorganisms and enzymes through the fermentation of sugars from canes. Second generation: crops able to grow: quickly (rapid biomass production, with minimal inputs (fertilizer, water, without annual reseeding and tillage (perennial, on marginal lands. For the sections on the current tropical biofuel crops just know concepts, not the exact numbers. Cassava & sugarcane = ethanol, biodiesel = coconut & african palm oil, jatropha.