ACCT 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Matter Wave, Quantum Tunnelling, Subatomic Particle

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Light is bent and gives you an apparent position of a given object. The velocity you need to escape the gravitational field of a mass. If you get the right velocity, you can enter orbit. If the mass gets large enough the escape velocity = speed of light. If you launched an object from a mountaintop, you would need less velocity than if you launched it from sea level. Black holes arise from general relativity, but conceptually you can get an idea of black holes with out relativity theory. Once you have enough mass, space-time is warped so significantly that no object at any velocity (not even light once it passes the event horizon) can escape black holes. Escape velocity for black holes = speed of light. First propose in 1783 by john mitchell (geologist) Based on the idea of escape velocity. Predicted a way of finding them: look for a star orbiting a dark place.