PSYC-223 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Synaptic Pruning, Teratology, Visual Acuity

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2 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Compare and contrast preferential listening with conditioned head turn. Describe and give examples of two types of systematic observation. Describe what a critical or sensitive period is and explain what would happen if learning does not occur during that period. Explain how you would test whether a baby recognizes a particular face. Briefly describe 4 key themes in developmental psychology. Describe the habituation method and explain when we would use it. Describe three challenges that we often encounter when testing infants and children. Describe conditioned head turn using a specific example. Compare and contrast the nativist, constructivist, and empiricist theoretical positions. Explain what the competence-performance distinction is and why it may arise in developmental research. Design an experiment that would assess whether or not infants can distinguish between different object categories. Compare and contrast preferential looking with preferential listening. Explain the differences between longitudinal, cross-sectional, and longitudinal- sequential approaches including one pro and one con of each design type.