MTST-156 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Bunion, Pes Cavus, Flat Feet

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Ant talofibular (most commonly injured), post talofibular, calcaneal. Resting: 10 plantar, mid way between pronation and supination. Name is: talocrural joint - is uniaxial hinge joint. Objective: look at footwear: wear pattern, post and lateral heel and then mid to medial side on ball of foot and up. Claw toes: hyperext of mtp, flex of pip and dip. Exostosis: bony spur, most common on head of first mtp, also head of fifth mto. Bunion: exostosis plus a bursa, you have hallux valgus (separate things) Hallux valgus: only big toe, and first metatarsal is medial, and phalanges are lateral. Med deviation of head of first metatarsal, and lateral deviation of phalanges. Cause: tight shoes, or tight extensors pulling preexisting hallux valgus. Pronation and supination: supination - calcaneus is inverted, and forefoot is adducted. Plantars warts: changes gait, need to get taken care of. Dont need to do passive movements if pain free active rom.