SOCI-1015EL Study Guide - Final Guide: Dewan Negara, Seigneurial System Of New France, Royal Assent

105 views5 pages
20 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Federalism is an ideal structure of government for a nation whose citizens are divided by speci c values or interests such as culture, distance or resources. In fact, federalism is a governmental system with different levels that are supreme or largely sovereign in different areas. In this essay, the main idea of federalism is described. In addition, advantages and disadvantages of federalism are identi ed throughout the essay. Moreover, the problems of government of a nation divided by culture, distance or resources are discussed. It is concluded that federal systems ought to distribute a balance of power between the general and constituent governments in order to ful ll different level requirements. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origin to the american political system in place today. Federalism refers to the form of government that unites separate political entities or states within a single national system.