POLI-1007EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Harold Lasswell, Political Philosophy, The Technique

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The realisation of a just order, with emphasis on the constitutional foundations of political rule. According to niccol machiavelli (1469 1527 ce): The technique of achieving and maintaining power, with emphasis on political skill and ambition. According to johann gottlieb fichte (1762-1814 ce): The science of governing a state, with emphasis on a rational, scientific approach to governance and statehood. The struggle for a share of power or a redistribution of power within a state, with emphasis on the domestic power relationships among groups and parties of citizens. Who gets what, when, how? , with emphasis on the distribution of (scarce) commodities and resources. The narrow perspective: activities associated with the state and the public realm. Including activities above the state at a higher supranational level. Not just international relations, but also the forces of globalization, transnational issues etc. The broad perspective: additionally, including the institutions of society below the state.