HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Baldus De Ubaldis, Accursius, Verb

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The early modern age (1453-1648: humanist jurisprudence, littera pisana. Valla = humanist, criticized glossators and commentators of roman law of xs mastery of latin language and lack of style. He couldn"t understand justinian law bc they failed to master the language. His attack: taken further by other humanists: Vb politianus: justinians texts used by commentators differed greatly from og texts so instead of using the littera bononiensis, they should have used the littera pisana: bourges and the mos gallicus. Valla and politianus = at basis of programme of humanist jurisprudence. 16th cent: bourges (fr uni) = center of humanist jurisprudence: alciatus introduced humanism there, cuiacus and hotman worked there. Humanist jurisprudence = referred to as mos gallicus (= french style) mos itallicus: commentators (italian style: corpus iuris civilis. Early humanists: focus on restoring authentic justinian text canon + correct historical interpretation of roman law.