HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Roman Kingdom, Salvius Julianus, Legislature

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Originally, roman jurists aimed at creating a systematic organization of the law: solution for every possible case, the subdivision into public and private law summa divisio of law. Around ad 130, emperor hadrian instructed the jurist publius salvius julianus to record and fix the praetorian edict. Hadrian ordained that julian"s edict should apply for all time. It is referred to as the edictum perpetuum or perpetual edict. Under the principate, the role of the praetors in the renewal and modification of the law was taken over by the jurists. They concentrated on providing their expert opinions responsa in specific cases. In contrast to earlier practice, these opinions were now issued in writing and under seal. The leading jurists published their opinions in collections of responsa. Periodisation of the history of ancient roman law: Later emperors often issued opinions (e. g. emperor hadrian).