HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Glossa Ordinaria, Gregorian Reform, Corpus Juris Canonici

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Before higher faculty student had to go through artes faculty, after passing (most likely 5 years) student could go to higher faculty. More & more gradual formalization & standardization of university education. Core of instruction consisted of the daily lectura. Professor would read actual texts as well as standard commentaries, provide solution. Strict program which text had to be covered, students banned from intervening. Teaching and academic research bound together remained until present day. Roman law had never really disappeared from italy. Customary law of most towns had grown on roman foundations vulgar roman law. In 11th century first law school in pavia. The rediscovery of the digest and the school of bologna. Major breakthrough at end of 11th century when copy of justinian"s digest was discovered. Study of roman law took off in bologna before 1200 boasted hundreds of students. New autonomous class of jurists: the civilians. Until 1263: earlier generations of civilians are known as the glossators.