HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Usufruct, Precarium, Laws (Dialogue)

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Document Summary

Consisted of institutiones, digesta, codex & novellae. After promulgation of digest & institutes justinian had codex revised. New codex in 534: consisted of 12 books, contained no fewer than 4. 600 laws. In the 16th century justinian"s codification was given the name corpus iuris civile. Collection = only source of law, anything else abolished (exclusivity & completeness) Was a reorganization of roman law, not a radical reform. Principle was the product and not the cause of the solution of the case. In digest: theory only developed as far as necessary, concrete cases & legal solutions underlying general principles, rules and concepts. Later jurists would find them but still up to them to formulate consistent doctrine of law. From rediscovery in 11th century onwards, european jurists would examine roman anthology. From material left behind, european jurists managed to construct consistent system of private law (in less than thousand years) Alliance between popes and frankish kings less autonomy for church.