HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Christian Mortalism, Nuclear Family, Monism

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17th century: period of revolution/ great changes (in science and in religion and politics) period of great instability. Religious conflicts: 30 years" war (1618-1648: religion was an important pillar of society splits around this and regarding which religious diversity should be tolerated led to political turmoil. Political turmoil: e. g. english civil war (1642-1651: in part due to religious conflicts, but also conflicts between the parliament and the monarchy hierarchical society started to be questioned, first beheading of a monarch: charlies i (1649) Emerging modern science questions ancient authorities in conflict with religion: galileo: can use maths to understand nature = mastering mathematics allows you to understand and master nature (through technology) conflict with. Catholic church, who tried to deter people from publishing such works & interpreting nature. Suddenly people realise that what they thought true before may not be true after all (scientific crises) solutions required to (re)build knowledge, reach certainty, and restore civil peace.