HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Latency Stage, Patients Association, Behaviorism

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Patients with hysteria were often dismissed by their doctors because they had no physical injuries. Breuer: cathartic method hypnotize patients and ask them to recall the first time they experienced hysteric symptoms suppressed emotions were revealed, symptoms disappeared. Pathogenic ideas ideas capable of causing disease. Conversions hysterical symptoms are emotions that are converted from emotional to physical energy. Lot of critique, freud himself was unsure about his theory. Manifest content - consciously experienced content of the dream. Latent content unconscious inspiration for the manifest content, emerge in consciousness after free association greater personal significance for the dreamer. Similarities to hysteria: concrete physical sensation whose unconscious meaning can be determined by free association. Primary process unconscious mode of thought. Secondary process conscious mode of thought. Fulfilment of wishes dreams represent wishes. Oedipus complex infantile desire to possess the opposite-sexed parent a for one"s exclusive sensual pleasure, and to be rid of the same-sex parent as the major rival for such attentions.