HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Industrial Revolution, Wild Beasts, Isaac Newton

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1596-1650; french scholar and philosopher who lived in the netherlands. He wanted to write a book about the heliocentric model, but decided to let it go because of the church (was published after his death). But instead of stop thinking about natural philosophy, he started to look at how he could build a new philosophy, which would reconcile the church. Identified souls as being divine and independent of everything else. Separated the human soul from the rest of the universe (plato, catholic church). Convinced that the soul had innate knowledge which could be recovered on the basis of reasoning. Dualism: view of the mind body relation according to which the mind is immaterial and completely independent of the body (plato, descartes). Saw everything as one big, sophisticated machine that could be studied by humans. God created a self perpetuating machine, so we are endowed with reason so that we could grasp the workings of the machinery.