HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Law Of Italy, Jus Commune, Edward Gibbon

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Court practice (usus fori) as a source of law. Every high court began to develop its own style (usus fori) discerned from the court"s decisions. Few courts gave reasons for their decisions and cited authorities, the decisions provided litigants with vital information market for new genre of legal literature. The collections of previous decisions were used as precedents for similar matters and which. Rl rules were being applied new genre of legal authority which rules of rl were accepted within the court practice of a given forum. Middle ages-15th c the ius civile was part of the heritage of christianity. But there was a problem when determining the status of the natives of the new legal world. The old model of the res publica romana, the twin powers of pope and emperor were no longer working. * rejected the pope s idea of dividing the newly discovered territory between portugal and.