HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, Iranian Revolution, Multilateral Treaty

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In august 1949, soviets successfully detonate its first atomic bomb; usa follows by developing the thermonuclear bomb in 1952, soviets follow again the arm race continued to escalate. 1st of october 1949, the people"s republic of china [prc] established by a communist leader mao zedong. Mccarthyism investigating people within the usa for possibly being communist. North korean attack on south korea of 25th of june 1950 was first hot" war in the cold. War the war resulted in rapid militarization and globalization of the cold war. The usa started creating alliance with: japan 1951, philippines 1951, spain 1952, south korea 1953, taiwan 1954, multilateral treaty organizations, australian-new zealand-united states pact [anzus] in 1951, south-east asian treaty [seato] in 1954. Warsaw pact in 1955 as soviet response on nato and many american alliances. Change of power: truman replaced by eisenhower and stalin replaced by malenkov, then.