HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pignus, Meeting Of The Minds, Pacta Sunt Servanda

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Contractus": more restricted meaning than contract" does today. Conventio" derived from the verb convenire"; to meet", used figuratively for people that come to hold the same view. Roman law recognised only a small number of types of contractus" + other agreements that one called. Pacta", to which far fewer legal consequences were attached; one could not claim performance of these pacta" before the court. Germany: codifications are often deeply rooted in the roman tradition, corpus iuris civilis, drafted under emperor justinian in the 6th century ad. Its aim was to collect roman law of all times, with a focus on classical law especially in. Interpolations: changes of the original texts to suit his purpose: antiquarian approach in reporting roman law of earlier times (e. g. the law of the. No only contract give rise to obligation, but also cases that resemble to contract.