HIST-1106EL Quiz: Greek and Roman Mythology

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Something described as mythical" is usually something untrue. They may be stories that people want to believe and so is accepted as fact. This is usually the case with religious myths, as the belief in this myth matters more than it being true. In the modern world, we see greek and roman myths as fake, but the ancients would have seen them as historical facts and allegorical truths. Such myths were not just stories" to the ancient world. Mythos was the greek word for story-telling, usually of poems but could mean any type of storytelling. The earliest greek texts we have are poetry. When prose developed, mythos was used to describe the telling of fiction, logos was used for fact. By the roman period, the word fabula was used. Cicero described a fabula as things neither true nor probable . Myths were told as stories and not as realities, less of a belief in such myths.