HIST-1106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Breviary Of Alaric, Pope Vigilius, Western Roman Empire

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Recognition of remaining roman emperor in the east (imperium), in good terms with the emperor. Eg, king clovis (franks) appointed honorary consul (509) Principle of personal law (opposite of territorial law) When the roman empire went down, the romans would still follow the law. If they were subject to roman law, even in a germanic territory, they would still be subject to roman law. If the germanic tribes had imposed territorial law, roman law would have disappeared. Keeping the principle of personal law in the west guaranteed the preservation of roman law. Italy, pragmatic sanction, justinian, and pope vigilius (554) And they said, lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, it is enough (luke 22:38) Church lives" according to roman law (ecclesia vivit lege romana} Etymologiae by st isodorus of seville (c. 620) Nicolaism, nepotism, and simony: pay and you get a job within the church. Equilibrium between church and empire ends: gelasian principle terminated.