FORS-2106EL Study Guide - Final Guide: Trochanter, Plasma Cell, Tubercle

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Entomology: - stored-product entomology, urban
entomology, and medicolegal entomology* -
Necrophagous Insects feed on the carrion - Omnivorous
Insects carrion is food for their larval stages adults feed
on other insects - Predaceous Insects attracted to
carrion due to the large numbers of other insects
present which they feed on - Adventitious Insects not
attracted to carrion, but if found in their habitat they
might - Flies (diptera) through thorax, Beetles
(coleptera) through upper right elytra/abdomen -
Aspirator (pooter): tubes and stoppers, to allow small
flying insects to be sucked into holding tube using
inhalation - Spreading board: used to mount insect
with large wings
Botany: - Locard’s Principal: whenever there is contact
between two objects/people there is an exchange of
material - Angiosperm leaves: only concern ourselves
with primary,secondary,and tertiary veins - Epidermal
peels of leafs: used the underside of the leaf to get
venation of the leaf, used a piece of acetate film and
acetone to adhere it to the leaf - Midvein: middle
primary leaf, only one in pinnate leaves - Costal vein:
primary/secondary veins that extend from base or from
primary vein, towards margin - Node: place where a
leaf is attached to the axis - Rachis: prolongation of the
petiole of a pinnately compound leaf where leaflets are
attached - Sessile: leaf/leaflet that does not have a
Scene Environment: Assman psychrometer: relative
humidity, Omega thermometer: ambient temp, Kestrel
3000: mini weather machine, relative humidity,temp,etc
- Li-Cor radiometer: shortwave radiation in W/m2 -
Albedo = reflection coefficient = shortwave out/
shortwave in - Wet bulb depression= dry bulb temp-wet
bulb temp, then use dry bulb to find relative hum. in
chart - Cold air drainage: runoff winds produced when
air touches ground and is cooled while flowing
downslope - Long wave.: emitted from earth into
space - Relative hum.: water in the air/water the air is
capable of holding at that temp - shortwave: visible, UV,
infrared - Thermocouple: device, consists of 2
dissimilar metal conductors
Soil: - >2 mm particles gravel and stones, <2 mm fine
earth: course sand: 2-0.2 mm fine sand: 0.2-0.02 mm
silt: 0.02-0.0002 mm clay: <0.0002 mm (2u) less then
2u has colloidal - texture is particle distribution:
sedimentation/decantation (sand), pipette method
(fine sand, clay, silt), hydrometer (silt and clay) - peds:
spheroidal (rounded) <1 cm in diameter, platy (plate
like) cracks in horizontal plane, prism like: prismatic or
columnar, block like > 1 cm in diameter - 5YR-5/4 ->
hue (colour) - value (light/dark) / chroma (intensity) -
Eluvial: process of material moves across soil profile
(material = illuvial) - Podzol = soil in sudbury,
coniferous/boreal - Mor (acidic) Mull (less acidic)
Serology: -presumptive: blood/not used
phenolphthalein: (ph., alcohol, hydrogen peroxide) pink
when +, luminol: fluorescent when +, confirmatory:
human/non-human, used Hexagon obti test, 2 lines
when +, blood type: mix blood with antigen till
coagulation occurs - fake +: luminol: bleach,copper;
phenol.: ferret,skunk,primate - 1900 by Karl
Landsteiner - O(43%) A( 42%) B(12%) AB(3%) Rh
+(85%) Rh(15%) - Product rule: take all results from
typing methods, take 100/%, multiply the denominators
to get the 1 per (value found) - Hemastix: blood in
urine, + is orange,green,blue - Antigen:begins prod. of
antibody -Donor: O, Acceptor: AB - B-lymphocyte:
WBC secretes antibodies -Plasma cell: differentiated
b-cell - Antiserum: contains antibodies, ex. flu shot
DNA: - Restriction enzy. generate
5’ (phosphate) to 3’ (hydroxyl) chain,
produced in bacteria, roman # is which
one from that bacteria it is, we used
Hind III & ECORI, need Mg+, agar:
agarose powder, buffer, DI water, 55o
before tray, genes in bottle: swab,
lysis buffer, protease, alcohol cold/
slow, dan ppc - Chromosomes: code
of specific genes - Electrophoresis:
movement of charged particles under
electric field - Endonucleases:
enzyme that creates cleavage in chain
- Hybridization: joining 2
complimentary strands of DNA - PCR:
polymerase chain reaction - RFLP:
restriction fragment length
polymorphism: exploit variations of
homologous DNA sequences - STR:
short tandem repeat - SNP: single
nucleotide polymorphism
Anthropology: - used: sliding calipers
spreading calipers, otseometric boards
- Age: best found in pelvis & the
extent of suture closure on the skull,
birth humans - 450 bones, during
devel,, the epiphysis is separated from
diaphysis by cartilage which forms
epiphyseal union, become more faint
as bone ossifies -Pelvis: Epiphyseal
Union is the union at the lowest point
of the pelvis - Articular relates to joint
-Auricular surface: surface joints
meet - Condyle: prot. at end of bone
where articulation with other bone -
epicondyle: condyle on condyle -
Tuberosity:A large protuberance on a
bone, usually serving for the
attachment of muscles or ligaments. -
Tubercle: A small rounded
protuberance, especially on a bone. -
Trochanter: A protuberance used for
the attachment of muscles.
Odontology: - Bite marks have gained acceptant in the
justice system as method of ident. however it takes
great deal of training and experience to interpret them
accurately - teeth charts: X-missing tooth, O-crown,
O-O - bridge, box filled in - filling - teeth cast: used
mouth trays, alginate, cold water, (not used) plaster of
paris - Every bite different, will have miss-aligned teeth
from tearing, struggle - In bruise, not all teeth make
make marks so only measure ones that do -
impressions made on wax bite planes - buccal/labial:
teeth touching cheek/lip - CEJ: cementoenamel
junction, anatomical border - Caries: decay/crumb of
tooth - Deciduous teeth: baby teeth - Malocclussion:
upper teeth overlap lower or vice versa
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