FORS-2106EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Diaphysis, Ulna, Humerus

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FORS-2106 - Lab 8 Quiz Review
-Forensic anthropologists are the experts that observe and measure bones in a legal
-They can suggest sex, race, height, and age of skeleton at time of death
-They rely on metric data to assess bones, but mainly when studying a skeleton
-Some equipment used are: sliding calipers, spreading calipers, otseometric boards
-Non-metric traits are those that are purely observed in nature
-there is very little sexual dimorphism in pre-adolescent skeletons, making sex
determination in them nearly impossible
-pelvis is best bone to use to determine sex
-female pelvis is usually larger then a males
-skull is second most useful in determining sex
-men have a more protruding forehead etc.
-Normally long bones are not used alone to estimate gender
-Three race model: caucasian, asian, african
-skull is most useful in race determination, as well as femur bone
-Height determination is most commonly determine by examine long bones like femur,
tibia, fibula, humerus, ulna and radius
-Age determination is best found using the pelvis, as well as the extent of suture
closure on the skull can also be a good indicator for age
-At birth humans have about 450 bones but during development, the epiphysis
(articular end of the bone) is separated from the diaphysis (shaft of the bone) by a
layer of cartilage
-this thin layer of cartilage will form a epiphyseal union, which will become more and
more faint as the bone ossifies and the line is totally gone
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Document Summary

Forensic anthropologists are the experts that observe and measure bones in a legal context. They can suggest sex, race, height, and age of skeleton at time of death. They rely on metric data to assess bones, but mainly when studying a skeleton. Some equipment used are: sliding calipers, spreading calipers, otseometric boards. Non-metric traits are those that are purely observed in nature. There is very little sexual dimorphism in pre-adolescent skeletons, making sex determination in them nearly impossible. Pelvis is best bone to use to determine sex. Female pelvis is usually larger then a males. Skull is second most useful in determining sex. Men have a more protruding forehead etc. Normally long bones are not used alone to estimate gender. Skull is most useful in race determination, as well as femur bone. Height determination is most commonly determine by examine long bones like femur, tibia, bula, humerus, ulna and radius.