BIOL-1507EL Study Guide - Final Guide: Stamen, Pome, Xanthium

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Can also only have ray or disks flowers, ex: dandelion and thistle respectfully. Petals are unequal in size and often fuse. Arrangement give mirror image for left and right side. Has the four floral parts: petals, sepals, stamen and carpel. Has both male and female reproductive parts. Doesn"t have both male and female reproductive parts. Mature ovary or cluster of ovaries of the flower. Simple: develops from one single ovary with either a single or fused carpels. Aggregate: one that develops from the fusion of many separate carpels on a single flower. Multiple: one that develops from ovaries of many flowers grouped together on same stalk. Ability to catch a wind and disperse to father areas. Bits of fruit stick to the birds beak and the seeds that are attached travel far from their origin and get lodged in tree bark or the ground. Seeds released from fruit and may have similar dispersion mechanisms to fruits for dispersal.