BIOL-1507EL- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Plant reproductive cycle: nearly all plants reproduce sexually and most are capable of asexual propagation. In the life cycle of all plants an alternative generation occurs in which a haploid (n) gametophyte and diploids (2n) sporophyte take turns producing one another. It was only about 500 million years ago that plants, fungi, and animals joined them ashore. Evidence suggests that land plants have evolved from aquatic green algae (known as charophcean) the closest relative to land plants. The history of terrestrial adaptations in the key to modern plants the first period of evolution was associated with the origins of plants from the aquatic ancestors. If the sepals, petals, and stamen, are attached to the receptacles below the ovary. The ovary is said to be superior and the flower in this case is known as hypogenous flower. Epigenous flower: the sepals petals and the stamen apparently grown from the top of the ovary.