HRM 2200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Merit Pay, Job Analysis, Equal Pay For Equal Work

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13 Apr 2020

Document Summary

30 m/c + 9 short answer + 6 q on calculations. Short answers will be the same for everyone + lock down browser. Concentrate on managers (clue which ones are short answers/ describe short answer) Virtuous cycle companies make more money they can pay more improves performance everyone can benefit (example google) Vicious cycle business is going down (gm) M/c on tailored vs loose, egalitarian vs hierarchical, equity theory, tournament theory (get to know that one well) Purpose of job analysis (identify all elements on job description) Sources of data in job analysis: who and where you get it from. Describe methods of collective data and know their advantages/ disadvantages (relative markets for the jobs in term project) Job based systems + compensable factors + validity and reliability. Alignment to the company goals and overlap or purpose. Chapter 7: lead, match, lag (mc, differentials difference in pay between people or jobs, signaling important!