PSYC 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tabula Rasa, Pineal Gland, Color Vision

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Psychology (from a combination of the greek psyche [soul] and logos [to study]. Structuralist : tried to analyze the mind by breaking it down into its basic components. Functionalist : focused on how mental abilities allow people to adapt to their environments. Greek thinkers : plato and aristotle: first to struggle with fundamental questions about how the mind works. Plato (greek: argued in labour of nativism, the philosophical view that certain kinds of knowledge are innate or inborn. Aristotle (greek: believed that a child"s mind was a tabula rasa (blank state, argued for philosophical empiricism, the view that all knowledge is acquired through experience. Franz joseph gall (german physician: thought that brain and minds were linked, but by size rather than by glands, he observed that mental ability often increases with larger brain. This jump-started the scienti c investigation of mental processes.