GEOG 1180 Final: Exam Review

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Region: area of earth(cid:495)s surface defined by distinctive human and/or natural. Characteristics. degree of similarity and differs from nearby areas. Heartland with many of its primary products- the periphery. the workings of modern capitalism. ) export of particular staple resources. the countries and rearranged the location of labor-intensive manufacturing firms to mexico, where wages are lower. they live. They are dependent on each other but the industrial heartland dominates the economic relationship with the resource hinterland. Hinterland: geographic area based on resource development that supplies the: innis: economic historian, made the staples thesis, wallerstein: made the capitalist world-systems theory (theoretical framework on. Globalization: economic/political/social process driven by international trade and. Investment that leads to a single world market and wide-ranging impacts on the environment, cultures, political systems, and economic development. Area studies: regional geography, what makes canada unique. Formal region: defined on the basis of uniform or homogeneous selection criteria (natural/human). Special/intense feeling that people have for the region in which.