SOSA 1003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Altruistic Suicide, Industrial Revolution, Social Relation

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Egoistic suicide - results from lack of integration of the individual into the society because of weak social ties to others. Functionalist theory focuses on how human behaviour is governed by social structures based on shared values and social stability. Dysfunctional - e ect of social structures that create social instability. Manifest functions are obvious and intended functions of social structures. Latent functions are envious and unintentional e ects of social structures. Con ict theory - karl marx focuses on large macro-level structures and shows how major patterns of inequality in society produce social instability in some circumstances and social change in others. A set of ideas or attributes about who one is as an independent being: the self emerges naturally but without social interactions (hence it may not natural) Sigmund freud: socialization begins soon after birth, social interaction enables infants to begin developing their sense of self.