PSYO 2470- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 75 pages long!)

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He performed dissections in order to localize organs and function. (he poked). *localization for human is quite different because of the way we stand up (two legs). Nucleus: 1) cell structure that houses dna/ collection of neurons in cns (referred in this class). Pns = somatic & autonomic (sympathetic & parasympathetic). Somatic pns = innervates skin, joints, muscles. (voluntary movement) Visceral pns (autonomic nevus system) = innervates organs, blood, vessels and glands (involuntary). Sympathetic (jazzing things up) flight or fight . Nerves mostly lead directly to the target tissue from the brain. Thinking . for this class we use cortex instead of cerebrum. Sulcus (plural = sulci): there are the lines of the brain. (ex: central sulcus; the separation of frontal lobe and parietal lobe) Gyrus (plural = gyri): ridge of cortex. (ex: the blob created by the sulci) Fissure: large groove in cortex. (ex: longitudinal fissure; division of right and left hemispheres).