PHIL 1000X Study Guide - Final Guide: Hematocrit, Erythropoiesis, Ferritin

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Plasma & Blood Cells
Unit Objectives
When you have finished this unit, you should be able to:
1. Identify the major types of blood cells, and the major constituents of plasma.
a. Plasma - plasma proteins (albumins)
b. Rbc
c. Wbc
d. platelets
2. Define blood, plasma, and hematocrit.
a. Blood - a connective tissue composed of cellular elements suspended in an
extensive fluid matrix called plasma
b. Plasma - the fluid matrix of the blood, within which cellular elements are
c. Hematocrit - ratio of RBCs to plasma (percentage)
3. Provide values for normal blood volume and hematocrit.
a. Blood - 5L
b. Hematocrit - 40-54% for males; 37-47% for females
4. Discuss erythropoiesis and the role of erythropoietin (EPO). Recall the shape, size,
origin, and life span of erythrocytes (red blood cells).
a. Erythropoiesis - red blood production (controlled by glycoprotein erythropoietin;
made in kidneys)
b. Stimulus for EPO synthesis and release is hypoxia
c. Life span is four months
5. Identify the roles of hemoglobin and iron.
a. Hemoglobin - oxygen-binding protein of RBCs
b. Iron - required for hemoglobin synthesis; absorbed in the small intestine; bone
marrow takes it up and uses it to make the heme group of hemoglobin for
developing RBCs
6. Recall the major aspects of the uptake, storage, and excretion of iron.
a. 1) Intake of iron through diet. Can be either
b. ~Stored as ferritin in the liver,
c. ~Lost through urine or menstral cycle, sweat, skin cells,
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