THEO 206 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ancient Greek Philosophy, Gnosis, Galerius

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Theo 206 final exam centuries. (lesson 6: explain the new relationships between church and emperor in the east and west in the fourth and fifth. The great persecution took place from 303 to 313: galerius" decree of toleration in 311 put an end to the great persecution, although it still lingered in the east, constantine converted to christianity in 312. It became more tolerated, but not officially legalized. In 313, with the edict of milan, christianity was legalized. The official document put an end to the. The theory of two powers refers to the second half of the 4th century, when the eastern and. It is said that this separation took place in 364 by the emperor. The second half of the empire was ruled by his brother. Later, in 395, both empires officially became separate entities. Since christianity became enforced in both empires prior to the official separation, they ultimately took different paths.