PSYC 355- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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6 proteins called connexin subunits combine to form a channel called a connexon. 2 connexons (one from each cell) meet and combine to form a gap junction channel. Bidirectional (allow ionic current to pass equally well in both directions) Two neurons are electrically coupled: ap in the presynaptic neuron causes a small amount of ionic current to flow across the gap junction channels into the other neuron. This current causes an electrically mediated psp (postsynaptic potential) in the second neuron. In turn induces a psp in the first neuron. Synaptic integration: several psps occurring at the same time to excite a neuron (causes ap) Found where normal function requires that the activity of neighboring neurons be highly synchronized. Example: neurons in a brain stem nucleus called the inferior olive can generate both small oscillations of membrane voltage and action potentials. Function of this matrix is to serve as a glue that binds the synaptic membranes together (pre and post)