[PSYC 325] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (47 pages long!)

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Psych 325 chapter 1: introduction to social psychology. Social psychology: definition, the scientific study of the way in which people"s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people, the scientific study of social influence, goal: a) Identify universal properties of human nature that make everyone susceptible to social influence, regardless of social class or culture. The power of social interpretation: social psychology, concerned with how people are influenced by their interpretation (or construal) of their social environment: i. The belief all of us have that we perceive things as they really are : not usually concerned with the social situation itself. c) Social psychology, science, and common sense: task of a social psychologist, make educated guesses (i. e. hypotheses) and test them with controlled experiments. Social psychology compared with sociology: social psychology vs. sociology, similarities: i. Concerned with the influence of social and societal factors on human behaviour: differences: i.