POLI 214- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 72 pages long!)

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Document Summary

On duties: is framed as a letter cicero is writing to his oldest son. Cicero is speaking to his fellow citizens more then his son. Cicero decided to write on the topic of duty: why: because there is no part of life, neither public or private . That could be separated from the claims of duties. Figure out the proper structures of a political community, cicero says that for each individuals we got to find out what our individuals duties and obligations. Duty is connected to the aspect of right/wrong: animals do not have duties/obligations. Even do you can train your dog etc. but it has not a reflection of a duty. Social duty is unjust; according to cicero. Cicero does not talk about particular rights: particular rights that we are owed or we deserve, what do we, as individuals owe to others. For him the best way of life is helping and benefiting other people.