POLI 204 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Byrsonima Crassifolia, Responsible Government

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A constitution is a set of rules that govern political life. These rules may take three forms: written documents, the decision of courts (common law), or unwritten conventions. Constitutional conventions are those practices that emerge over time and are generally accepted as binding rules of political system. In canada the rst two components of the constitution: written documents and the common law, together comprise constitutional law. Conventions, while part of the constitution, do not have the status of constitutional law, at least not in canada. A constitution also establishes the methods by which the holders of public o ce are selected. The constitution act is the rst document of the constitution of canada (1867) The constitution act , 1982 commits ottawa and the provinces to the promotion of equal opportunities for canadians and the reduction of economic disparities between regions of the country. Fundamental political freedoms: guaranteed in section 2 of the charter.