LING 200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Minimal Pair, Contrastive Distribution, Complementary Distribution

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Attempting to understand how native speakers organize the sounds of their language into groups. We want to see what groups of sounds native speakers perceive as equivalent. We want to know what sounds native speakers perceive as contrastive and which sounds are non-contrastive (=in complementary distribution). (e. g. what are the allophones of the phonemes in this language). How do we solve phonological problems: search for minimal pairs, minimal pairs only 1 sound and that sound must be in the same position. If yes, to (cid:373)i(cid:374)i(cid:373)al pairs the(cid:374) you"re done. It proves that the sounds in your minimal pair are different phonemes. If yes, sounds occur in same environment then the native speakers of the language (cid:272)o(cid:374)tra(cid:272)t the sou(cid:374)ds i(cid:374) those e(cid:374)(cid:448)iro(cid:374)(cid:373)e(cid:374)ts = the(cid:374) you"(cid:448)e sho(cid:449)(cid:374) they"re (cid:272)o(cid:374)trasti(cid:448)e distri(cid:271)utio(cid:374); you"re done. If (cid:374)o, if they do(cid:374)"t o(cid:448)erlap the(cid:374) they fit i(cid:374)to complementary distribution: complementary distribution (means different allophones) . U d_p, #_d, d_k, l_ dz, dz _k.