EXCI 253 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Flexor Digitorum Muscle, Deltoid Tuberosity, Bicipital Aponeurosis

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It is the indentation in the muscular structure between the deltoid muscle and pectoralis major. Location through which the cephalic vein passes and where coracoid process is most easily palpable (armpit to clavicle) Origin: lateral and posterior surface of humerus (above radial groove: medial head. Posterior surface of humerus below radial groove insertion for all of them: olecranon process of ulna. Origin: supraglenoid tubercle of humerus: short head. Origin: coracoid process of scapula insertion for both: radial tuberosity. Deep fascia of the forearm via bicipital aponeurosis (not seen on skeleton) Tendon of long head of biceps brachii in the intertubercular groove. Near cubital fossa, go medially and down at the same time. Cubital fossa the triangle where the iv would go in. Middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5. Posterior middle surface of ulna interosseous membrane insertion. Posterior middle surface of radius interosseous membrane insertion: Posterior middle surface of ulna and radius interosseous membrane insertion.