EXCI 252 Study Guide - Final Guide: Myofibril, Neural Adaptation, Lean Body Mass

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Study the general procedures & sample resistance training programs on pages. Do not study designing resistance training programs for children and older. Study only the following common questions about resistance. For increasing the strength of untrainted individuals during the initial stage of resistance training, yes. For long-term training, multiple sets elicit greater strength gains for trainer men and women. Alter training stimulus more frequently (weekly or even daily) by changing your combination of intensity, reps, and sets. Perform each exercise throughout the entire range of motion. Combined with aerobic to maximize fat loss and maintain lean body mass tissues. Your muscle growth and strength improvement may be lessened because of the increased energy demands and protein requirements of endurance training. Are protein & amino acid supplements necessary to maximize muscle growth. It"s an effective ergogenic supplement for increasing lean body mass and high- intensity exercise capacity in athletes.