EXCI 252 Study Guide - Final Guide: Load Cell, Mandala 2, Hydrostatic Weighing

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Assessing body composition (pages 219 to 265) part 2. Relative to the assumption of the two-component model of body composition that. Ffb density is equal to 1. 100 g cm-3, would you overestimate or underestimate % Hydrostatic weighing (hw) (reference method as well) Air displacement plethymosgraphy (adp) (both used to measure body volume) Archimede"s principle: volume of water displaced by the body"s volume. A body immersed in water is buoyed up with a force equal to the weight of the water displaced. Weight loss under water is directly proportional to the volume of water displaced by the body"s volume. It is important to understand the equation used to determine total body density (db) with the hydrostatic weighing (hw) technique. You are expected to know the density equation used for the hw method. Is there a direct or an inverse relationship between density and % body fat? inverse. Weight of water displaced : = wa ww. Corrected body volume: [((wa-ww)/dw) (rv +gv)]