ENGR 201- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 90 pages long!)

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Attributes of professionals and the professional system (podcast script) In this podcast, we will discuss two aspects of the relation between professionals and society the attributes of professionals and the nature of the professional system. Intellectual skills that are acquired through a formalized system of education or training. The exercise of judgment on matters connected with the practice of work. Their practice of work contributes directly to advance public welfare. The attribute of skill: a key aspect of the nature of skill that professionals possess is that it is composed of varied and intellectually demanding techniques and practices, thus requires individuals to exert considerable effort in acquiring them. In order to acquire these skills individuals are required to undergo an extensive and formal education usually at the university level. This is so because many of the techniques require a base of scientific, technological or mathematical education that can only be gained from university based education.