EDUC 240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Blended Learning, Action Learning, Videotelephony

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Edu 240: training and development: moving trainees from information receivers to problem solvers is the primary goal of role play technique. False: the lecture method is useful for the development of skills or for changing attitudes. False: simulators are not effective for developing managerial and interpersonal skills. False: saving money is a key benefit of the blended learning approach. False: a major drawback of using audio-visual methods is that they make it difficult to control the pace of the training. False: action learning is always done in groups. False: no more than six major points should be illustrated during each half hour of a lecture. False: the ultimate test of the effectiveness of a training method is how enjoyable the experience is for the trainees. False: trainees will resist behaviour modelling if the behaviours are incongruent with common work practices. False: the length and complexity of case studies have made them a favourite technique of trainers in business.