COMS 284- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 18 pages long!)

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Introduction to photography and film history, part 1. A gain before the invention of photography. A box or room with a hole and a lens at one end. An image is projected onto the opposite end. The image traceable with pen and paper. A flat object is placed on photo-sensitive paper. The paper is exposed to light silhouette is rendered. Early type of image projector employing pictures on sheets of glass. Highly vulnerable to physical damage and scratching. Places in an individualized frame with a top. No negatives (which in no a celluloid plastic) Example: first selfie was taken by robert cornelius, 1839 (self-portrait). Makes a positive and a negative image. The open door, william fox talbot, 1843 (salt paper print from a calotype negative) The home of the rebel sharpshooter: battle field at gettysburg, timothy. The eye come in first to the gun.