[COMM 315] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (206 pages long)

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Document Summary

Jurisprudence: compare our case to prior cases in order to convince judges they should rule in our favour. Lower court judges are obligated to follow decisions of higher courts in similar cases (stare decisis). We will do the same with our cases. The facts: the evidence in the case allows us to compare to our case. This can be applied to future cases (and exams). Designed to create conditions allowing people to live a good life; Utilitarianism political and social institutions (law) should be used to maximum utility. Contrast to nicolo macchiavelli; the end justify the means. Ban on abortion overturned by the supreme court; Doctors may refuse abortions for religious or conscientious reasons; British columbia may pass a law to forbid it; A codification of the basic principle of ethics; We must act in good faith in our relationships: i. e. contracts; Social problems can be turned into profitable business opportunities; Managers expected to earn the highest return for shareholders;