COMM 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hasty Generalization, Chief Executive Officer, Fallacy

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Document Summary

Analyzing the validity of arguments presentes in a text. Secondary outcome: critical reading and analysis, facility with language of business, constructing persuasive arguments. Interest in current business activities: work efficiently in teams, working efficiently in teams. Management concepts: business press, newspapers, magazines internet, claims, evidence, underlying assumptions, rhetoric, organizational growth, strategy, vision, motivation, change. Major conclusion of a piece of writing that the author is trying to persuade you to accept: explicitly or implcitly states, presented with clarity and emphasis likely locations (beginning or end) Unproblematic claims: not commonly accepted knowledge, often introduce new ideas that awaken curiosity, sometimes presentes as if it were a fact, cannot stand on their own. Concept maps: consistent with our own experiences and observations, facts independent of interpretations, agreement among experts or strongly supported general claims that are commom sense, technical or mathematical claims. Cental idea of what the author is trying to persuade you to accept.