MARK 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: List Of Memory Biases, Sensory Memory, Classical Conditioning

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Classical conditioning : occurs when a stimulus that naturally elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. Over time, this second stimulus causes a similar response as it is associated with the first stimulus. Can emerge when a product that is originally neutral (cs) is paired over time with a product that produces an emotion-inducing response (us) Instrumental conditioning : operant conditioning that occurs as the individual learns to perform behaviours that produce positive outcomes and to avoid behaviours that yield negative ones. Perform more complex behaviours and associate them with aither rewards or punishments. Shaping = when cxs are rewarded for successive steps taken toward the desired response. Stimulus generalization : the tendency of stimuli similar to a cs to evoke similar conditioned responses. People react to other similar stimuli in much the same way as they respond to an original stimulus.