BTM 481 Study Guide - Microsoft Powerpoint, Weighted Arithmetic Mean

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The benefits of computing student grades through excel as opposed to doing it manually are countless. First of all, excel allows you to enter related data in organized and easy-to-use spreadsheets and workbooks that can contain up to 16,384 columns and 1,048,576 rows. Excel is therefore perfect for recording large amounts of data conveniently as opposed to recording that data on paper. Paper files can be easy to damage or lose and are hard to organize. However through excel, data is easy to locate (using excel"s cell address or go to option) as well as easy to filter and sort using excel"s filtering and sorting tools. If student grades are recorded on excel as opposed to on paper files, they are therefore easier to manage and preserve. These excel files can also be backed up to prevent loss of information, which can be dramatic for a teacher in the case of student results.