BTM 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Readwrite, Front-Side Bus, Adware

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Evaluating your system: cpu, ram, storage devices, video output, sound systems; system reliability. Moore"s law: describes pace at which cpu"s (brain of the computer) improve. Predicts the # of transistors inside a cpu & it capacity will doubly each 18 months. Choosing either a desktop or a notebook system. Desktop: cheaper, large monitor, harder to steal, easier to expand & upgrade, difficult to transport, more reliable (longer lifespan due to less moving) Notebooks: expensive, small monitor, easily stolen, difficult to upgrade, portable, easy external expansion, easily damageable. External sata: add an external hard drive into fast transfer port for more storage space. Cpu, ram, hard drive, video card & monitor, sound card, ports. Cpu (processor): brains of the computer, processes instructions, calculates, manages the flow of information, responsible for processing data input into info. Composed of 2 units: control unit: coordinates activities of all other computer components, arithmetic logic unit: perform arithmetic calculations & makes logic/comparison decisions.