BIOL 467 Study Guide - Final Guide: Spindle Pole Body, G1 Phase, Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 1

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Lecture 1 2 3 4: model organisms and common experimental techniques in cell biology. Used to study: cell cycle and division, protein secretion, cytoskeletal regulation and function, cell differentiation, aging, gene regulation, chromosome. Advantages: cell cycle short 1. 5-2hr in rich medium, cheap, genome is sequenced and small easy to find mutations and introduce tags for microscopy, homologous recombination. Exogenous: dna that came from outside organism: two types of yeasts, cerevisiae: budding yeast circular, divide by budding. S m phase growth of bud (no g2: end of g1 appearance of bud, when chromosome segregates bud pinches off, metaphase anaphase transition is a checkpoint. Later events stopped cdc genes regulate these events gene cdc28 is the homolog of cdc2 in fission yeast produce cdk1: discoveries. Budding yeast: cdc28 mutants blocked at g1/s phase. Fission yeast: cdc2 mutant blocked at g1/s and g2/m. Cdc28/cdc2 encodes an evolutionary conserved ser-thr kinase (p34 in yeast and cdk1 in humans)