NSE11 Study Guide - Final Guide: L-Dopa, Dietitian, Anticholinergic

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3 main manifestations: evident in the loss of automatic movements, you have a slow down in initiation and execution of movement: Diagnosis: based on history and physical examination, patients have to have at least 2 out of 3 of the manifestations to be diagnosed. In addition to the motor signs of parkinsons disease, many nonmotor symptoms are common like: depression, anxiety, apathy, fatigue, pain, constipation, short-term memory impairment, as the disease progresses, complications increase, these include motor symptoms (dyskinesias, Impotence weakness, akinesia, neurological problems (for ex. dementia), and neuropsychiatric problems (e. g. , depression, hallucinations, psychosis) Anticholinergic drugs: these drugs act by decreasing the activity of ach, thus providing balance between cholinergic and dopaminergic actions releave treamors, example trihexyphenidyl, prosicladine and benzatropine, can pair with antihistamines or beta-blockers to manage tremors as well. Antiviral agents: anmtadine: promotes release of dopamine from neurons. Comptinhibitor: prevents breakdown of levodopa by inhibiting the enzyme compt.