TSES 2305 Study Guide - The Population Bomb, Montreal Protocol, Life-Cycle Assessment

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Chapter 9- tse environmental sustainability: resource consumption and waste disposal are not sustainable, basic goal of sustainability: ensure the continuing quality of the environment. ***montreal protocol 1987: took in effect 1989, chlorofluorocarbons (reduced ozone) were banned. Stabilizes the ozone, has been the most effective international environmental treaty. United states did not participate after 2001 and. Canada could not meet its goals in 2010 (in fact, ghg was increased). Renegotiated: bali roadmap 2007: un adopted this process for negotiating an international agreement on climate change to follow kyoto when it ends in 2012. It sets intensity- based emissions targets on canada. Emissions per joule of energy consumed must decrease but total emissions may increase. The process of global warming and climate change. It is blocked by ghgs and remains in our atmosphere. However, small deviations in earth"s solar energy balance can produce global warming/cooling. Assesement report in 2007 that said climate change is directly linked to.