SOCI 2000- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Study guide: primary goal as researchers is to produce and generate knowledge. In sociology: focus on society and human knowledge - how people operate together. State or operation of aspect of universe upon which individual or groups act: understanding of how things are and how things work. How do we come to know things/where does knowledge come from: knowledge can come from education, personal experience, media, tradition or customs. These methods do not always mean that the fact is true. How can we know for sure: we can do research and look for evidence, we can look for scientific studies already done. Science refers to - a system for producing knowledge, knowledge produced from that system. What sets science apart from other ways of knowing : we assume their work is scientific and support w evidence. Systematically: collectively: some kind of scientific research occurred, openly, based on empirical work (needs evidence research was made.