[SOCI 1002] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 98 pages long Study Guide!

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Disciplinary traditions & the conventional history of sociology & its key theories. Primary typologies (ways of conceptualizing the theoretical traditions) Sociology: the systematic study of human activity in context. Scientific revolution (1550): base findings on evidence, not speculation. Democratic revolution (1750): american & french revolutions proved that people can organize society and humans can intervene and solve social problems. Industrial revolution (1780): mass industrialization in europe, mechanization/factory work, accompanied by mass migration and urbanization in major cities, new division of labor force. Questions arose following the 2 recent revolutions in europe that caused widespread social reorganization at the end of the 18th and turn of the 19th c. What holds society together (social cohesion) and what tears it apart or leads to reorganization/social change (e. g. through revolution, abandonment, etc. Differs from focusing questions on the individual (e. g. contra psycho-analysis) and often arrives at different conclusions about how to address problems, looking at widespread issues and structures.